Learning To Romance My Wife

Learning To Romance My Wife

If there was ever an Introductory Course 101 on romance I missed it. So, here I am after many years of courtship and marriage with a few tips for my brethren, most of which have been learned by trial and error. Yes, many errors along the way. I tried the usual things,...

We Are Soooo Different

Differences are something that LifeQuest Couples Coaching takes head-on. Because God has made each of us so unique, He must have something very special in mind when he puts two people together. As covenant marriage partners we begin to see one another through the eyes...
Drivers: Part of What Makes Me Unique

Drivers: Part of What Makes Me Unique

A large part of who we are are the unique abilities God has given each of us to set us apart from everyone else. We call these abilities our “drivers.” These are abilities that give us energy, joy and fulfillment. They are activities that we could do all...
That Nervous Queasy Feeling

That Nervous Queasy Feeling

There are still times in my life when I get a nervous queasy feeling in my gut. It is a strong signal of stress and nervousness. I want to run away from whatever situation I am in. Scientists would call this a signal for flight. It is one of the strongest motivators...

Oh My Gosh, It’s Really Happening!

So much has happened since we published our last newsletter in March. And there is much to look forward to as 2017 moves toward the fall months. Here are just a few highlights. At the end of April we completed our pilot group with three fantastic couples from...